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Harry Krause
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Default Interested in the quality of water for recreation?

John H wrote:

On Sat, 27 Dec 2003 14:57:50 GMT, "Doug Kanter"

"John H" wrote in message
. ..
On Sat, 27 Dec 2003 00:25:56 -0600, "Eric H"

Read and weep:

From the Sierra Club, Harry! May a great new light shine upon you in the
new year.

He's having to dig deep for his negative tripe lately. Cirrhotic
liveralism is hard on the system.

John H

John, your response really took me by surprise. There's not a scientist
alive today who doesn't know which industrial processes result in certain
types of "fallout". It's freshman-level stuff, like teaching med students
about the effects of smoking. Coal-burning facilities produce mercury, and
they contribute to the acidification of bodies of water. It's been proven by
chemically tagging coal supplies and tracing them downwind.

You've really never heard of this?

My comment had nothing to do with the accuracy, or lack thereof, of
the 'cut and paste' performed by Harry. It reflected Harry's desire to
post anything he can find that is negative.

John doesn't like to see the truth told about his boy Bush.

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