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halibutslayer wrote:


I would start out
by getting a rig setup that's capable of doing packet and then adding a
pactor or similar into the mix later.

Packet is 2M only, correct? If yes that's very line
of sight on a boat. Yes?

Would pactor be a better choice for sail boat in middle
of sea?

If you are going to be sailing offshore, go take the easy 24 question test
to get your Marine Radiotelephone Operators License. Then get a SSB that has
the ham bands on it also. This way you can call the Coast Guard if you need

Come to think of it I'm not sure if you even need a MROL if your vessel is
volunteerly equipped (not carrying more than 6 passengers, under 300 tons, not a
tug over 26ft. etc.) Your boat still has to have proper station license.