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Default It's STILL the Economy, Stupids...

On Sat, 20 Dec 2003 15:43:32 -0500, Harry Krause wrote:

Out of work and full of worry
Call for renewed federal aid not likely to be heard

By Imran Vittachi
Chicago Tribune staff reporter

Illinois was very hard hit with outsourcing. Automation and efficiencies have
also caused a reduction in the manpower needed for many of the manufacturing
plants in Illinois. The recession actually started well before Bush took office,
so to lay the blame on the administration is pointless. How does one expect a
corporation not to try to maximize profit? If the same widget can be made in
Mexico with labor costs of $5/hour versus AFL-CIO labor at a rate of $30/hour,
what can be expected?

As more and more outsourcing occurs, the standard of living in the countries
receiving the work will increase. As the standard of living increases, the
demand for higher wages will (hopefully) do likewise. Eventually, perhaps, a
leveling will occur. Boeing, for example, is outsourcing about 70% of their new

Not saying your unions are bad, Harry, but constant demands for higher and
higher wages and benefits eventually take their toll, especially as the
capabilities increase in other countries.

Thanks for posting something besides your routine name-calling. Even a
cut'n'paste is nice, from you.

On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD