Thread: Wave heights
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Hi Jaxie DOOD my cyber PAL.

Wow, I checked out your record sailing simulator experience. Pretty

Let's see, you said you sailed in 18 knot winds for 1800 miles.

Now let's assume that your sailing simulator is not being too generous
in assuming that you sailed at say.. 5 knots in that 18 knots of wind.
Pretty Damned fast sailing! You must have been scared huh?

Wow, sounds like you were stroking your joystick pretty liberally
throughout that whole cyber sailing experience!

You cyber sailed 1800 miles at 5 knots. That would take roughly 360
hours, or approximately 15 days. Funny thing is, you managed to post
here alomst EVERY SINGLE DAY last month too. How KEWL is that?

That's pretty amazing DOOD!

Then again, since your sailing simulator is running under Windows you
can multitask, huh Jaxie Dood? But that sure is a long long time to sit
at the computer non-stop stroking your joystick huh? I bet your butt was
pretty numb after that. Hahaha.

Then again maybe you used your cyber autohelm and slept a lot too? Only
an idgit would forget to use his cyber autohelm. But no doubt you stood
your cyber watches like a good lil Dood. Of course you could have
inflated the Mrs. and duct taped her little rubber hands to the
joystick. Wouldn't be the first time you and the Mrs. got into creative
duct tape uses now would it?

Anyway. that's way kewl Dood. After all, only a complete and total IDGIT
would post a B.S. claim that they sailed 1800 miles when in fact they
just sat at a PC the whole time posting on usenet.

I'd say you are one clever Dood... or something.

JAXAshby wrote:

last month, jimmie. you wouldn't like it, jimmie. the waves got near three
feet high at one point and the winds howled at upwards of 18 knots. scair
eeeee for bathtubs sailors like you who think that floating a rubber duck is an
opportunity to spank the monkey while claiming to be doing britney spears.

From: James
Date: 12/23/2004 3:23 AM Eastern Standard Time

Hey Jaxie DOOD, I got to level 1800 offshore a long time ago!

If you use a joystick instead of a mouse you can trim the cyber jib
faster and it's way kewl. But it works like a real tiller so you got to
be aware that left is right and right is left. Use a joystick and you'll
get to level 2000 or even more.

Hey Dood, did you try to lean way over in your chair when the program
said you were heeling? If you do that it almost feels like a real boat
but you gotta lean WAAAAY over and it's kinda scary just like on a real
boat! Maybe even wear a speedo and splash a little water around while
yelling "batten down the hatches" or some other suitable nautical talk.
You can find lot's of nautical talk online too, but you already knew
that of course. It makes pretending SO much easier. Plus there is a way
kewl help file full of nautical sayings you can use.

Mind you, you have to be really careful when you lean over in the chair
like that Dood. I did it too far (Cyber squall was set to stun) and I
fell right offa the chair!

"MAN OVERBOARD" I yelled. Wow it was scary. I felt like such a idgit. If
you try it Dood, make sure you inflate your wifie and put her on the
floor beside you (to leeward!) so you have something squishy to land on.
Plus she'll give you positive floatation. Then you can come here and
tell everybody about how you fell overboard and your inflatable saved you!

Later DOOD!

JAXAshby wrote:

dood, I just did 1,800 miles offshore. how about you?

From: James

Date: 12/22/2004 7:36 PM Eastern Standard Time

JAXAshby wrote:

Somewhere between 30 and 35 knots the wind begins to rip off the wave
tops and send them through the air like the stream from a fire hose.

I have sailed upwind in winds of 42+ and gusting and have never seen the


ripped off the waves". I have also walked up on the foredeck up close and
personal in 35 knot winds to take down one sail and put up another and


never seen the "tops ripped off the waves". I have also sailed offshore



knot winds and have never seen the "tops ripped off waves".

Maybe my eyesight has gone all to hell?

Now Jax, don't be such an idgit, dood.

PC based sailing simulated 40+ knot winds don't count. Ask your wife
(after you re-inflate her that is) if some day you can go for a ride on
a REAL boat.

Dood, you have to get out on a real silumations are not
the same thing. You'll see waves and birds and all kinds of things if
you can get a ride on somebodies boat some day.

Any volunteers want to take Jaxie Dood for a sail? He'll stay outside in
case he gets scared and urinates by accident. It only happened twice
using the simulator but you can't be too careful.

Let's have a show of hands.