Thread: Yo Iceman!!
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"Maxprop" wrote in message

Did you perform said study in either Boston or San Francisco? Seriously
flawed, that study. Seriously . . .

Seriously??.... North Dakota, Montana, Seattle, Oregon, California,
Arizona, New Mexico, Texas (Real wimps there), Louisiana, Alambama, Florida,
South & North Carolina, Washington, New York, Massachusetts, Maine.... and
yes the wimps in Boston. My wife at the time out drank any Cracker or Yankee
we partied with. Truley a pathetic show of the consumption abilities of the
USA in general. We were at a place in Huston... having a pizza and some
beer with these bikers we met..... come the 7th Jug of brew and 2 of them
were face down on the table. Neither of us had more than a slight buzz. We
had to help carry them out to the cab and got to drive their bikes to the

Well, okay, you can use it, but please limit your usage of it to once or
perhaps twice per annum, then kyew.

That's once this year....

Hmmm. We shall see. My local shop has a bottle--I called them yesterday
ascertain that fact--and they are reserving it for me. I guess if it
tastes a lot like turpentine, I can always use it to clean up my lacquer

Now see... that's just plain bad attitude. I recommend a fine rum you have
yet to sample.... and already you're all negative about it. If I didn't know
any better .... I'd say you are setting up an alibi in case it's too potent
for your delicate palate.

Your liver thanks you.

My liver just does it's job without any whining.... it's a Belgian
Liver.... not some lily livered Yankee organ.

None of the septugenarians I know drink much of anything beyond
supplements. Oh, and barium, on the occasions of their annual upper GI

You'd best take a trip up here..... I'll intro you to a few seniors that
can drink the young'ens under the table.

Only in Canada. Down here we have no such guiding regulations--just women
hockey players from MN with more hair on their chests than Canadian men.
And wow can they bite.

.... but can they drink?

Okay, I'll agree to bash the Frogs wid ya.

Oh Good!

Stick to draglining oil sands up north, Cappy. Your differential
skills curve has flattened and begun to head south.

My diagnostic skills are just fine ..... you deal with a product known for
premature failure [ Americans trying to hold their liquor] for an extended
period.... it's plain logic to expect failure from this product.... despite
the advertisement to the contrary provided by the company.

She ain't askeered o' you or yo mamma, either.

Everyone is skeered o' my Mom.... even the RCMP call her "Anny Get Your

Ibid: your diagnostic "skills." When you *assume* you make an *ass*
*u*, if not *me.* We Merkans like our women and our liquor straight.

Assumptions based on logical deductions are calculated risks..... much like
your assumptions the your liquor has more than a modicum of alcohol and your
women an interest in anything but a cheap drunken backseat romp... with
someone not of their gender.

Oh. My. God.

Um, belay that urge to post that photo, will ya.

Too "Manly" a sight for you Max???

Tacks?? Pshaw. We'll drink standing in a small circle surrounded by a 6'
ring of glowing coals, no shoes. Here's to ya, ya Rocky Mountain oyster.

Oky Dokey..... a caveat... the small inner circle must be ICE!! :-D

Don't worry Max.... I'll drag you out of the embers....