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Chuck Tribolet
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Default SPAMMER Blacklist

Harry, I gotta say this again until you understand it:

Most of the From: addresses in spam are complete bull****. Either they
are completely false, or they are someone who has ****ed off the spam
industry. There are lots of legit folks on juno, yahoo, etc., so you
are cutting off your nose to spite your face.

I used to do a variation on what you do. About once a month I'd
review recent spam, and blacklist the obvious IDs and ISPs, but
not blacklist the large ISPs (juno, yahoo, etc.) which were bound
to have a certain amount of "misuse". A year ago, this, plus a couple
of other simple rules were about 70 percent effective. By about
three months ago, it had dropped to 50% effective and the increasing
volume of spam (I get 150 a day) had greatly increased the amount
of work required to analyze it. I switched to Mozilla, and within a week
of training (which was less work than my analysis of that week would
have been), it was 95% effective.

Try Mozilla, turn on the spam filter, you'll like it, I guarantee it.

Chuck Tribolet

Silicon Valley: STILL the best day job in the world.

"Harry Krause" wrote in message ...
Backyard Renegade wrote:
But on the
other hand, the "blacklist" that Harry posted it useless. Attacking
the from field is not the way to go, you must go for the money.

My goal is to lower the amount of email spam I get. If I get more than a
couple of spams from an ISP, I blacklist it and the spam from that ISP
stops. Ergo, my method works. And I do check the filter log from time to
time to set what's in there. Lots of SPAM from such lovely irresponsible
sites as JUNO.

Email sent to is never read.