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Doug Dotson
Posts: n/a

I had very good luck with digital service on my cellphone. If I
recall correctly it ran at 115K baud and cost $9.95 per month
flat fee. I was able to surf the web quite comfortably along the
ICW. No service in the Bahamas, but I used Winlink for email
while there.

s/v Callista

"Rick" wrote in message
R.W. Behan wrote:

We're planning a trip to Alaska next spring via the standard inside
passage route. Our boat is a Victory Tug 37. I'd like to have
uninterrupted internet access along the way, aboard the boat.

For all practical purposes it is still just wishful thinking. Cell phone
coverage is spotty at best and my luck with cell interfaces has been
stunningly slow connections that make a shoreside dialup look like a DSL.
Since I "upgraded" to a GSM phone I have lost even that service ...
digital data via cellphone is so expensive as to make satellite look
cheap. You could run up thousands of $$$$ in a few weeks just getting

Satellite access is your best bet but even that will be unavailable in
many areas due to high mountains on each side of your route.
