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Gould 0738
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Default OT--Amazing numbers

I've seen some of the storyboards of
upcoming television commercials. They're delightful.

No they're not.

For the next 11 months we will engage in an experiment to see which side can
gather the most votes from Boobus Americanus by saying hateful things about the
other. Sadly enough, after the mega-millions spent by political candidates to
slander one another- we draw very little distinction between disdain for the
"wrong" candidate and disdain for the people who support that candidate.

The lies, the mischaracterizations, the demonizations, and the wretched,
smoking poison will flow from Democrat and Republican sources alike. As usual,
there will be very little discussion of what either candidate proposes to do
and much more about the certain apocalypse that will be spawned by the election
of the not-so-esteemed opponent.

Talk radio has kept this crap going for the last four years, non-stop.
Frightening to think how it will now escalate with an election coming on.

Last time out, we elected a "uniter, not a divider." Well, good thing. Imagine
how different the social climate would be today if we had elected a divider,
not a uniter.................

Here's a scary possibility: The National Rifle Association is stumping to be
declared a "news" organization. They are also planning to purchase television
and radio networks. Under current campaign laws, they are not allowed to
broadcast campaign ads known to be untrue for the last 30 days prior to an
election. If they get the right to masquerade as a news organization rather
than a lobbying group, they will be able to say whatever they want, (known to
be untrue or not), and spend as much as they want right up to election day.

Expect that to pass. It will be one "freedom of speech" issue that the right
wing will be trampling one another to support. Can't afford to miss those NRA
contributions- or see them directed to an opponent.