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Default Which of you Dems hacked Google ??

"Gould 0738" wrote in message
I'd say he does...or you must not think very highly of Yale and Harvard.

Don't confuse education with intelligence.
Education will develop intelligence, but it cannot bring fruit from a

Daddy could have bought a degree for Jr. from any school in the country.

least he picked presitgious schools.

Bush actually *may* be reasonably intelligent in some apsects.

Intelligence has
many facets. Whatever his other skills might be, even the most devout

has to admit that Bush's *verbal* IQ

WTF is a "verbal IQ"? It sounds like nothing more than a term you invented
so that you can make yourself sound smart...and make Bush sound not so

is certainly under the average rating of

Now you've invented a "rating" scale for "verbal IQ"?

Unfortunately, language is the currency of diplomacy and Bush is not
presidential in his command of grammar, vocabulary, and syntax.

So what.

Where'd you get your degree(s) from, Chuck?

I probably have less formal education than anybody else you ever converse

your Cubano pool boy included. My education ended halfway through my

year in high school. Our high school principal was a big wig on the local

board- and he had a general hard-on for liberal, anti-war students. I got
searched for drugs many times, and the administration was always

when they couldn't find any.
I finally got pressured out after being considered one of the ringleaders

in an
unauthorized, six-week field trip to Haight Ashbury..(may have been a

shred of
truth to that)...but much to the dismay of the draft board principal I had
already accumulated more than enough credits to graduate. In exchange for

pledge never to set foot on campus again and in light of my accumulated
credits, I became a HS graduate the following June. :-)

Having never attended College, you really don't have the right to criticize
the intelligence of someone who obtained degrees from two of this country's
most prestigious schools.

Went to a laid-back, alternative, you might say "veeeery relaxed" jr.

for a few months. What a sad deal. Most of the people there were simply

up space to qualify for student deferment from the draft. Not my scene. I

to be a struggling, sometimes lucky enough to be working musician. Got a

time job teaching blues piano. Worked in a car wash when I had to.

Wouldn't a
missed those years for the world.

Even so, Ive never stopped learning. So what purpose would a piece of

stating that I knew "enough" about some subject or another actually serve?

The paper would prove you had the intelligence, drive, and ambition to
graduate from two of the most mentally challenging institutions in the

Never needed a degree to make a darn good living with my wits, but I've

always worked on the rowdy edges of acceptable society rather than in a
mainstream occpation. :-)

You come across as a pretty intelligent person...right up until the point
where you criticize the President's intelligence. You've applied a
one-trait litmus test to Bush, and have determined that because he mangles
words while speaking in public, he must be a dunce. In a
one-trait-litmus-test world, some might say that a high school dropout
qualifies as a dunce, too.