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Harry Krause
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Default OT--Great headlines everywhere

K Smith wrote:

Harry Krause wrote:
Don White wrote:

That NOYB is quite the little Pollyanna eh?

Harry Krause wrote in message

NOYB wrote:

Take your pick:

1) US manufacturers hit 20-year record pace (AFP)
2) Factory Growth Fastest in 20 Years (Reuters)
3) Stocks End Up, Setting New Highs for Year (Reuters)
4) U.S. Troops Kill 54 Guerrillas in Iraq Firefight (Reuters)

The only people that'll be out of work now are the doomsayers.

5. Three Million Manufacturing Jobs Lost On Bush's Watch
6. US Unable to Achieve Goal of Catching Terrorists Responsible for 9-11
7. Bush Ticketed Once Again For DUI
8. US Troop Toll Exceeds 10,000 Dead & Injured in Bush's Iraq Misadventure

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NOYB aside, I'm really astonished at the support the righties give Bush.
I mean, the man is an absolute dunce,

He's well educated certainly moreso than you because you have none,
despite your lies. Make up your mind Harry you were in Kansas doing 3
yrs of medicine OR working as a kid in a new paper OR getting you
"first" degree in what?? All the time driving that "old" MGA, there were
no "old" MGAs in 1960 you sad liar:-)

Ahh, a perfect example of how badly your twitty little mind doesn't
work, Karen.

Yes, I was in Kansas for three years, and yes, I was in a pre-med course
of study. Not med. Pre-med. And yes, after being beaten into the ground
by P-chem, I switched majors to English. In my fourth year, I was hired
by a newspaper as a reporter while I was still in college as an
undergrad, getting my first degree. And I celebrated by buying a
well-used MGA, probably a '56 or '57. It was *old* by the time I got it,
meaning it had lots of miles and lots of mileage-caused problems.
Clapped-out, as it were. Just like you, eh? Oh, and I moved from Kansas
to Kansas City. One's a state and the other's a city, and it is a city
in two states. I lived in the Missouri one, but it was right next door
to the Kansas one. Got it now, crap-for-brains?

But, I suppose a mis-intentioned bitch like you could find a way to
twist facts into different meanings, eh? Just as you have with all your
"claims" about my statements.

You really are a loser, Karen. If I were you, I'd find myself a stout
piece of rope, tie it around a rafter and hang myself. Better that than
face my remaining few years as a fat, unloved, unemployed, ugly lump of
offal like you.

Thank you, and I hope you have another miserable day. Just like the one
you had yesterday.'s that diesel outboard you claim to have
invented and manufacture? Still a crack pipe dream, one assumes? You
couldn't put together a cardboard box with a role of packaging tape.


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