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Harry Krause
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Default OT--Great headlines everywhere

Don White wrote:

That NOYB is quite the little Pollyanna eh?

Harry Krause wrote in message
NOYB wrote:

Take your pick:

1) US manufacturers hit 20-year record pace (AFP)
2) Factory Growth Fastest in 20 Years (Reuters)
3) Stocks End Up, Setting New Highs for Year (Reuters)
4) U.S. Troops Kill 54 Guerrillas in Iraq Firefight (Reuters)

The only people that'll be out of work now are the doomsayers.

5. Three Million Manufacturing Jobs Lost On Bush's Watch
6. US Unable to Achieve Goal of Catching Terrorists Responsible for 9-11
7. Bush Ticketed Once Again For DUI
8. US Troop Toll Exceeds 10,000 Dead & Injured in Bush's Iraq Misadventure

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NOYB aside, I'm really astonished at the support the righties give Bush.
I mean, the man is an absolute dunce, a total failure, aside from his
handouts to his political supporters. He's pooched about everything he's
touched; he lies about important matters; he's gotten us into a war we
cannot win, and so on and so forth, ad nauseum. And yet few of the
righties will even acknowledge the man has faults or has made one bad
decision after another.

I liked Bill Clinton as president, but there were a number of policy
issues of his I disliked, and I always said so, and so did most others
who supported Clinton.

But these righties: lockstep and goosestep, they follow the Idiot Bush
who Assumed the Presidency.

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