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IDT 512
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(brad) wrote in message
These are not really more than educated guesses, but I believe the
answers a

"accy"= "accessory" Sometimes the factory provides an extra switch
for some accessory the owner or dealer may wish to install that you
wish to have switched at the panel.

"anc lt" = "anchor light" probably. Take a look and see if that goes
on when you operate this switch. If the design is anything like my
'96 Bayliner Capri 1950, there's a receptacle near the aft cleat on
the starboard side, which may have a rubber "gasket" covering it, into
which you plug an aluminum pole which has the anchor light at the top.
The electrical contacts get corroded after a few years; for a few
years after that you can clean them somewhat with a wire brush if you
can get one down there; after that just replace the darn thing as they
don't cost much and are easy to replace.

"tilt" is for raising the outdrive way up for example when pulling the
boat up a launching ramp. With the outdrive in the full up tilt
position, it is not in the water and you would never operate the
engine in that position. "Trim" on the other hand allows you to make
fine adjustments to the outdrive (or outboard)to "trim" the boat (bow
up, bow down) depending on the load you are carrying and the positions
of the passengers etc.

Your question re "typical maintenance stuff" is just too much for me
to take on without knowing more about the boat's history, prior usage,
condition, etc. I would acquire a good basic manual for your power
plant, one which covers both the engine and the outdrive. Clymers is
one publisher that does a pretty good job, available at West Marine,
Boat US, and other places (Amazon?). They have good maintenance
sections. That is really what you want. I have my owner's manual
from Bayliner, but it contains very little actual useful information
specific to the boat. Mostly just general safety warnings, not that
those aren't also useful, but I suspect not what you are thinking.

Respectfully, you may wish to think about taking a Coast Guard
Auxiliary Course, as I am getting the impression that you may have
limited boating experience. Please, no offense intended, just trying
to help.

ok the "anc lt" switch did trigger the aluminum pole light, i didnt
think that was called anchor light and i thought that turned on with
the "nav lt" switch.

By maintenance, i was thinking stuff like timing belts (hopefully it
uses a timing chain), distributor cap /rotors, fluids & grease.

Yes my boating experience is pretty limited, most of my experience has
been with personal watercraft and im trying to relate as much as i
know with them. Many functions are similar but there are several that
are new to me.