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William R. Watt
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1. as an experiment I brushed EG on half of the plywood for a one sheet
boat (Delta on my website). it also took days to dry. impatiently I
applied fibreglass butts which did not adhere when cured and had to be rit
rains much redone. on was redone with PL Preuium and a plywood butt block,
also as an experiment, when the wood was still not dry and it has held. PL
Premuim polyurethane cures by absorbing moisture from the wood. I haven't
noticed and difference in the parts of the boat that were treated with EG
and not. The whole boat, the inside of which just has a linseed oil
finish, is discolouring evenly.

2. EG (ethylene glycol) is, as Dave C points out, water soluble. If you
get much rain on the walls before applying the sealant the EG could be washed
off and you will have wasted time and money, not to mention turning your
property into some kind of hazardous waste land.

William R Watt National Capital FreeNet Ottawa's free community network
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