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Taco Heaven
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Doug, Your premise is so weak I almost didn't respond.

Have you ever heard of newspapers and the internet?

As far as why someone who has extremely poor verbal skills and someone who
looks like a stiff zombie becomes their parties candidate for presidency, it
is the rabid fringe element of both parties that
support and select the candidate. To win their primary a candidate has to
cater to the very liberal or very conservative in their party. Once they
have won the primaries, they suddenly have to become a moderate.

I read a survey that showed the vast majority of democrats when asked their
position on issues, would not have voted for Kerry, but would have selected
Edwards as their presidential candidate.

"Doug Kanter" wrote in message
"Taco Heaven" wrote in message

You need to stop believing every left wing nut case that tells you that

majority of Republicans base their decisions upon what Rush or Hannity or
any other talking head you want to reference.

Uh oh. Something's wrong here.

1) If the majority of Repubs do NOT base their decisions on what the radio
slimeballs say, then the majority must base their decisions on something
else, right?

2) What is the something else? Their own insights? Their own research?

3) This enlightened majority you describe voted an idiot into office. What
possible reasons could they have had for doing that?

4) Since the idiot and his sitters have done nothing but damage to this
country, shouldn't the words "traitor" or "treason" be reserved for them,
not for his opponents?