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Give it up. Kerry's a loser. Being from MA and seeing his work ethic and
lack of any moral convictions in the past, is he going to change. I think
He's just playing the game like the rest but to the nth degree.
Any moron today can get up and say he's for health care, social security,
world peace, save to poor and get votes.
Let's smarten up.
We'll never have world peace, social security is fine and if everyone would
stop abusing the present health care systems, they won't be so expensive.
I remember a time when you went to the doctor's office and paid for the
visit. We're not talking a lot of money here. But now, someone gets a wood
splinter and they run to the doctors.
The demos had a president who obsouletly dodge the draft during the Vietnam
war, but that was okay.
I must say that one's not much better than the other.

You know what, do what you want to do, but keep your hands out of my
pockets. I work hard for my money and do not appreciate handing it over to
people who want to abuse the system, sit home and watch the boob tube while
I'm working.

"Gould 0738" wrote in message
By the way, did you forget that independent study I referenced earlier,

showed Kerry's team is more guilty of attack ads than Bush's team.

I can probably find an "indenpendent study" that proves Hillary Clinton is

Virgin Mary. An intelligent conservative would be ablr to organize a body

evidence that surpasses a singel survey.