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jaxashby quibbles:

-to those who don't know who the scum bag Bilge Rat is, he makes a living
--such as it is -- crawling around the lowest spots in a filthy cargo ships to
replace worn electrical wiring. this, of course, makes him an expert in
recreational boats and how they are used.-

Bilge- Never claimed any expertise in that area...unless someone else 'round
here has spent more time on Diego Garcia than I have, then I guess I'm the
local expert on "Dodge",(God help me).

Y'know, I love the kind of putrid little ****-lick who thinks that being a
seaman is somewhat akin to serving time for a felony conviction.

Ain't it strange that Christ could left his church in the care of any of his
apostles, among the ones we know of were tax collectors,farmers, tradesmen,
prostitutes(reformed), and fishermen.

And to whom did He hand the Keys?

So, yeah pallie, I play with some fairly dangerous crap in some fairly nasty
places, and the money isn't quite enough to innoculate me from that "Won the
Mega Millions Lotto" dream.

What of it? Care to try it? How many 40 and 50 year olds do you know who walk
the equivalent of a 15 story building every damned day?

Judging by your attitude, I'd say your maritime expertise is job-related must be the bozo who sucks farts outta the seats of the Staten
Island Ferry.


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