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tomf123 quips:

-Yep - it's Monday, sure as heck. :)-

Bilge-Yep, all freakin' day.

Say, chum, you seem to have an IQ above room temperature, and to know the
difference between a bow pulpit and a saloon urinal...

What the hell's the deal with this there a computer terminal in
the day room of some looney bin somewhere?

A lot of the posters in this group seem to sorely lacking in heavy meds and
long term, probing bouts of intensive therapy.

It was those damned movies, right?

Too many booger-eaters saw "The Perfect Storm" and "Pirates of the Carribean"
and decided to "run off to sea" and be Depp, Clooney, and Wahlberg, right?

I swear to Almighty, some of these drooling half-wits should have a mast
riveted to their foreheads and be flying 4 black balls from it.

I wouldn't trust some of these clowns to captain a rubber duck in a sitz bath,
let alone a motor or sailing vessel on the high seas.


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