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Short Wave Sportfishing
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On Sun, 19 Sep 2004 08:22:06 -0400, Harry Krause

Short Wave Sportfishing wrote:
On Sun, 19 Sep 2004 03:58:42 +0200, Max Mustermann

I'm trying to get all this political stuff straightened out in my
head so I'll know how to vote come November. Right now, we have one
guy saying one thing. Then the other guy says something else. Who to
believe. Lemme see; have I got this straight?


On one side you have, as Harry describes, a doofus who looks like
Alfred E. Newman and on the other, a doofus who looks like Lurch after
a Botox party. One may be technically a deserter and the other may be
technically a war criminal. One is a priviledged son of a prominent
political family and the other is a priviledged son of a prominent
political family. Both went to Yale and both are Bonesers. One makes
up his mind and doesn't change, the other changes his every other

This is the best my generation can produce?

I'm ashamed to vote for either one.

And the sad thing is I still can't make up my mind.

Consider this:

A lot of awful things have happened to this country as a result of Bush
presuming office.

Heh - perhaps - I have a more universal outlook with respect to who
caused what and when. Every one of the bozos on both sides of the
Senatorial cloak room had the opportunity to rally and say no - and
they failed. Some of the more clued in of the Senatorial Cloak Room,
including Senator Clinton, had the oppotunity to say - "Hey, wait a
minute - something doesn't jive here". And while they all SAID that,
the majority still voted for the war - they are, both sides,
responsible as well as the current President.

Even though he stood for everything I didn't, I miss Senator
Wellstone. There was a man who stood up and was counted, billy be
damned what anybody else thought and at the same time, could cut a
deal and get something done. I like people like that. Not the idiot
nuanced thought police constraints most current politicians practice.
I could do business with Senator Wellstone and that's important to me
- if I think I can do business with somebody and not have to watch my
back at the same time. I feel the same way about Senators McCain and
Kennedy. There are a few others.

I don't feel that way about the President or the Junior Senator from

However, the first candidate who gives me five sentences each
consisting of 25 words simply explaining what they are going to do for
the country will get my vote.

Like that will ever happen. Guess it's a closed eye and throw a dart
against the wall election for me.

Six of one, half dozen of the other.

If I honestly thought, just a little bit, that Senator Kerry would be
a better choice than President Bush, I would vote for him in a heart

You know what? Senator Kerry isn't going to change anything.





Why? He's already said he will continue to prosecute the "peace" with
weapons of war. Sound familiar?

The economy? Let's see, the last time we had a Democrat President, he
was so up to his eyebrows in contributions that he had to lay off his
contributers with hands off policies which gave us, TA-DA , Enron and
other interesting tidbits like EBIDA which the SEC never challenged.

Both sides will tax the crap out of the middle class as they always
do, so what is the practical difference?

The simple truth is that our generation, assuming you are about the
same age as me, has failed our country and our society. We cannot
produce a strong leader who either isn't a used car salesman or a
clown who is so "nuanced" that nobody can understand what the hell
he's talking about.

And I'm sorry for the rant and apologise in advance to any and all.

I will now go back to posting about boats.

~~ mutter ~~

