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"Gould 0738" wrote in message
I wonder why BushCo is so afraid to debate Kerry?

Bad strategic move.

The Repubs have spent most of their campaign money and energy smearing

and with no small amount of success. Most of the people in the country
have a badly distorted image of Bush's opponent.

A debate would undo a lot of what the right wing has "accomplished" so

far. If
Kerry loses this deal, it will be because the right wing spent more money

energy telling the American public who John Satan Kerry is than Kerry was

to. Kerry has been defined by the opposition- often a losing position in


Bush is not a good speaker, (to put it kindly). He would look like the

trying to find and correctly pronounce the words he would need to answer
questions from a panel.

Contrary to low expectations going in, Bush out-debated Ann Richards, and he
out-debated Al Gore. He'll beat Kerry because Kerry will come across as a
high-brow elitest and alienate the common man swing voter. In today's day
and age, you try to appeal to the middle 20%...and that's the group that
votes by the seat of their pants...many times voting simply for the
candidate that is "more likeable". More people like Bush. Kerry has
virtually no appeal to people who don't identify themselves as staunch

The irony is that the subject matter and each candidates answers probably
won't matter. Kerry's better grasp of the English language may actually
work against him by alienating the average joe that makes up the middle 20%.