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Gary Warner
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Default OT - but not political - 120 volt watt meter ??

Hmmm, maybe we need a new convention to distinguish
political content off-topic from non-political off topic. I see
some of the "political" posters do use the OT prefix and
asking them to change might result in them not using OT
at all. How about OTNP for Off Topic but Not Political ??

ANYWAY - We've just moved into a new apartment where
everything, including heat, is electric. Being the type that I am,
I'm curious about how much electricity each item uses.Of
course this is fairly simple for a light bulb that has a wattage
rating. But, for example, I don't know what the TV uses
or the refridgerator. Even if I knew the rated wattage of
the fridge, I think the actual useage might vary.

So, is there any units that plug in-line with a device that will
give some reading, either instantaneous or over time, of use?
Or other ideas. What would be REALLY cool is a readout
somewhere showing real-time use. ~~ Yea, the electric meter
kind of does that, but it's a pain to read.

Probably for the cost of any such devices I could buy a month's
electricity. But it might at least make for some interesting discussion.


PS: Haven't been boating lately - busy with moving, new place,
etc. But hopefully this weekend we'll go.