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Uh huh, and the point would be?
"JAXAshby" wrote in message
Rosalie, your prop was also turning while you were running the engine.

alone is one hell of a drag.

"Paul L" wrote:

You will definitely will see a decent speed improvement under sail with

folding prop. Depending on the prop you buy, you should see better
power/control in reverse too. They are very reliable now, so I don't

that is a down side. The biggest downside is their cost. I have a Max

and think it great.

"MLapla4120" wrote in message
I'm going to re-power soon and am also going to get new shaft and

It seems that in my boat class (Westsail 32), some people are going
to folding props to help speed under sail.
I'm for increased speed, but also want reliability. My current

propeller is pitted and old. Every time I turn around and look at it,

is full of sea growth. That makes me think I'm getting poor

So, I'm for an improvement, but I am unsure of what kind.
Any opinions from boaters that have encountered this situation would


We have a feathering prop (vs a folding prop) and we do get an
increase of about 1/2 knot under sail, and it also backs better under
power. I haven't tried to quantify the backing under power - it is
just what we feel.

Disadvantages are - you lose a bit of power forward because the blades
are flat and the prop takes a bit more maintenance than a fixed prop.

[We were sailing but had the engine on in neutral so the prop was not
feathered - we were running the refrigeration- and when we had
finished that, we turned off the engine and feathered the prop, and
our speed increased 1/2 knot - same wind and current. Now I know this
is not a completely scientific test, but it is significant to us.
There are also people in our group who did tests with a fixed prop
over a measured course, and then did the same tests with a folding
prop over the same course and found a similar result.]

grandma Rosalie