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Default US Military Wants Michael Moore Film OT OT

Face it, GW Bush is the worst thing to happen to the US Military since LBJ
and Kennedy's Whiz Kids. He's spending $billions/month, and killing our
best and finest, to "liberate" Iraq, just like LBJ did to "liberate" Vietnam
and, like LBJ, he's delaying and even cancelling critical military R&D and
procurement to pay for his blunder. Thanks to LBJ, American pilots were
flying planes designed decades earlier, generations behind the Soviets and
even the French! Thanks to GWB, American pilots are flying F-18s which like
the Phantom are a good plane but decades old, instead of the latest stealth
fighters. Thanks to LBJ our troops faced the soviets with outdated tanks -
Abrams development having been delayed because funds had been diverted to
'nam. How old is the Abrams today? Is a replacement on the way anytime
soon? Why not? Why are the scientists and engineers working to improve the
Tomahawk systems that have proved so valuable looking for work? Because the
money got shot up in Iraq! We're burning up so much ammo - billions of
round at well over $1/each - that we're forced to buy Brit and Israeli
surplus. I won't get into the parallels between LBJs war and GWBs war on
military moral. Nor will I speculate on what the folks who maintain our
waterways could do with the $billions Bush is blowing in Iraq.

Bush supporters like Joe must really hate our military.