Thread: DR practice
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Default DR practice

over the knee, give it up for the kriste sakes. once ah-fricken-ghen you are
arguing a physical impossibilty. most every scientist -- and certainly every
last physicist -- on the planet is laughing at you.

You, over the knee, have a better chance of arguing astrology is valid.

DR has been used for centuries and is still used today. As such, it's
used to travel new routes as well as those that have been frequently
done in the past.
For this reason, many sailors have expanded on the term "DR" to include
past experience; their knowledge of how their vessel reacts to winds,
known currents; soundings, etc. .... i.e. they use these factors to
improve/fine tune their "DR" plots.
As Bowditch states, your definition is correct, but it's not universal.
For you, "DR" is speed/time/direction and that's OK since it's probably
all your experience can handle, but for many others, it includes a
number of other factors beyond your capabilities which don't give a
position and can be in error, but from experience, helps improve what
*THEY* call "DR".


joe, you don't understand the definition of the term "DR".

jax, you don't know the definition of "DR", you only know A definition
of "DR", and the fact that *you* don't understand this is not surprising.
