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Default Who is John Kerry? and why he is a loser...

Bart Senior wrote:

Clinton took away hundreds of thousand of jobs including mine.

That may be, but the economy as a whole grew at an unprecedented pace. Don't
forget that there was a serious Bush Sr recession going on when Clinton took
office. If your job was eliminated in the first 3 1/2 years of Clinton's
presidency, then according to many pro-Bush folk it must be Bush Sr's fault.

Don't blame Bush when you don't have a clue what you are talking
about. The Clinton's cheating with White Water gave the green light
for corporate greed to go crazy.

??? "Greed Is Good" was the motto of the Reagan '80s. Clinton's venture into
Whitewater lost money. It would be a very strange example of corporate greed.

The economy that began falling with the tech collapse a few years
ago, began in Britian when they auctioned off frequency spectrum to
the highest telecom bidders, instead of the best qualified companies. The
result was that government gained $36 billion instead of the expected
$9 billion. Nations around the world got greedy and did the same thing.

Part of Reaganomics, not Clinton's fault.

Shame on you for blaming Bush, who has integrity and morals,
things unknown in the Democratic {sell-out} Party.

You should check out his past, Bart. Do you think his deals with Harken Energy
are an example of integrity? How about his deals with the Texas baseball team?
His DUIs? His military record? His coziness with ENRON which was plundered by
it's corporate officers, robbing many manypeople of their jobs, their savngs,
and their future? Maybe you think his smear tactics against McCain in the 2000
campaign are a good example of "integrity & morals"?

Frankly I cannot comprehend how you think this of Bush.

The Democrats never look at the long picture, their policy is
appeasement, like England's Chamberlin in WWII--that never works.

Actually, that is not and has never been any part of Democrat policy.

It is however a very common Republican smear tactic. Sort of like the way
Maxprop is convinced that I must be a libby-rull because I disagree with his
caveman fascism.

It takes toughness and moral intergirty to look after the common
good, not personal greedy so prevalent in the Democratic Party.

Let's vote for the greediest in the Democratic Party.

The nominations are; Hilllary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Jesse Jackson,
and John Kerry.

Maybe Teresa Heinz-Kerry? She is by far the richest of them, but she married
into it. They say that's the hardest way to earn it, though....

Hillary is a Socialist, greed is not in their nature. But she has wangled a
pretty high lifestyle out of the deal. Billy-Bob is entirely too self centered.
Jesse Jackson would probably be greedy if he could attract more contributions.

So far, none of them have started a war so that their own companies could
profit, as Cheney has done with Halliburton. So far none of them has overcharged
the U.S. Gov't approx 80 million dollars (and counting), as Halliburton has
done. This is not partisan rhetoric, Bart, it is fact.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Or you can, of course, dismiss all the above as wild-eyed leftist propaganda.
But somehow, I don't think that Pentagon auditors, much less Halliburton's own
news service, are really trying hard to smear mud on the Bush Administration.

Doug King