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Bart Senior
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Default Who is John Kerry? and why he is a loser...

Jonathan Ganz wrote

"Bart Senior" wrote

John Kerry has missed more Senate votes this session than he's made.

Are you trying to say that this is a good or bad thing?

Good point Jon. I should be happy he doesn't show up.

After Kerry blew-off the U.S. Conference of Mayors meeting in
Boston earlier this week, Menino was quoted as saying of Kerry's
refusal to appear and subsequent actions, "This is typical of small-
minded individuals who have to create controversy."

He didn't want to cross a picket line. He's never crossed a picket
line. He wants the union votes more than the mayors votes. Seems
logical to me.

Seems like a lame reason to me.

John Kerry has taken some flack over the absence of African
Americans among his top campaign advisors and a "certain amount
of awkwardness," was reported during his speech at Jesse Jackson's
Rainbow/PUSH event Tuesday. Jackson had earlier been quoted
describing Kerry as "the best we have to work with."

Seems like he would be perfect for the racists who don't think minorities
should be involved in decision making. So, is this a good or bad thing
from your perspective?

So why do you support him? Are you a racist?

I'd keep my distance from Jackson. The guy is an idiot.

"When he was running for Lieutenant Governor in 1982, John Kerry
campaigned against planning for state evacuation in the event of a
nuclear attack. He actually ran a radio ad saying, 'Someone has to
stand up and say 'no' to this madness.'"

Sounds like it was a huge waste of money. Where are people supposed
to go, Canada?

It had nothing to do with money. "Kerry justified not being prepared by
saying a nuclear attack was 'unthinkable.' On 9/11, America learned
planning for the 'unthinkable' must be our first priority. Kerry's lack of
judgment on preparation for an attack at the height of the Cold War calls
into question whether he has the judgment necessary to lead our nation
today in a time of terrorist threats. President Bush's leadership in the
of these threats has made our nation safer and more secure."

During a Democrat fundraiser in San Francisco Monday, Sen. Hillary
Rodham Clinton told the audience. "We're going to take things away
from you on behalf of the common good."

Like illegal drugs? Like WMDs? Like assault rifles? Pretty easy to take
things out of context isn't it....

She was talking about taking back tax cuts to give more to the needy

Full Quote:

"Many of you are well enough off that ... the tax cuts may have helped you,"
Sen. Clinton said. "We're saying that for America to get back on track,
probably going to cut that short and not give it to you. We're going to take
things away from you on behalf of the common good."

Karl Marx could not have said it better. Hillary Clinton is a communist.

If the people in the communist countries recognize the importance of a
free market, why don't the liberals? Go live in Russia and see what it is
like before you vote liberal and vote to destroy the US.

While there is no better place than the 'leftiest big city on the Left
Coast' to
spout this socialist drivel, this shows why Hillary Clinton is still not
ready for primetime when it comes to politics. Socialist type phrases "for
the common good" don't play very well outside those pockets of liberalism.

Getting back on track? Increasing taxes puts us back on track? Putting
us back on track would be to stop the out of control spending. taxation
is worse in this country than every before--every form of tax is being
levied. In Connecticut, you pay taxes on products you return to the store!
You pay taxes on used cars--when taxes have already been paid on them
mulitple times with eash sale? Why?

The bureacracy is getting bigger and bigger, requiring more and more
money. It has to stop.

Letting liberalism run it's course and we will end up with dead beats
voting themselves more benefits at the expense of productive workers,
and a crippled economy consisting of mainly lower class incomes.

The trend is clear. The middle class is paying for what the Democrats vote
for themselves. Not hte rich. The rich move their money to the Cayman
while working people pay the price.

The liberal politicians have sold out America because the job pays well, and
give them an opportunity for graft, and kickbacks, not because they believe
in what they say.

Look at what happened in California, when worker's comp was increased
--2/3 of the industry tax revenue left the state! The world 9th largest
crumbled, and may never recover.

People will not stand around letting themselves be robbed through excessive
taxation. If you want to give, then give. Don't mandate that everyone else
their homes, and what they have just because the poor majority votes
more benefits.

If this continues, most of the money will leave the US and there will be a
crippled US economey and ghost of a tax base.

What will the liberals do then? Eat each other?

Vote smart. Vote conservative or there won't be any country for your
to enjoy, only oppressive taxation, which history has shown, over and over
again to cripple economies. A conservative vote is a vote for freedom and
our future.