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Default Best news I've heard all week

SAIL LOCO wrote:
So what you are saying is that your out and moving all day every day?

Well I'm

Well, I'm not moving 100% of the time either. Sometimes I just sit and
think. It's not for everybody though.

My grandmother used to say "If you don't have anything else to do, clean
something" and that is very good advice. Most people I know htese days
seem to have plenty of time for TV or video games and their houses are
unhealthy wrecks.

... And sometimes I like to watch a movie full of gunfights, aliens and
explosions on my home theater.

Some movies are OK. But I'm not going to give up something else to make
time to sit down and watch one.

... Sometimes I listen to music on my audio system.

Same here. Learning to play a musical instrument is good too.

Sometimes I mess around on the internet. Your obviously electronicly
entertained since your posting on here.

I mostly do this at work. And as Peter pointed out, this is an
interactive medium. Very different from sitting and staring at the boob

Doug King