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Lady Pilot
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Default Katysails, please STOP IT!

"Simple Simon" wrote:

Do me a favor. Please stop e-mailing your silly female
friends such as Lady Pilot and begging them to come
back here and post.

Katysails has never e-mailed me, but I have thought about e-mailing her.

You know they are a thorn in my side and I hate even
seeing their stupid posts which I rarely read or bother
responding to because they are sooooo lame.

Please quit thanking Katysails. You know you love it when we post. If my
thinking isn't correct, then you must be gay?

This group is a sailing discussion group

Really? Are you sure? I've read thousands of posts in here that were about
politics and religion. I had to keep checking to make sure I was in the
right group.

And you are taking me to task for posting off topic? laughing so hard my
sides are aching

so why do
you women insist upon coming in here and making it
all about women and your chasing men?

It's called flirting, Neal. When I found out it bothered you so much, I
turned up the volume. I enjoy your whining. :-D

There are
dating groups for the lovelorn available for that
purpose and that's where the likes of Lady Pilot,
Lady Sailor, Trojan Lady, and all the other single
women who are so unattractive that they cannot
get or keep a man in real life


Well, I have news for you Katy. Since you are
happily married and have been for a long time
I know you are here for the sailing content.

I'm sure I read where she enjoyed the off topic posts.

Therefore you are welcome to continue to post
although I wish you would stay a little more on
topic and eschew your worthless female friends
who disrupt this group.

I'm not disrupting anything. Haven't you ever learned how to use a kill
file to filter me out?

The others, especially the likes of Lady Sailor
and Lady Pilot who are just jumping from blind
man to dumb man taking what they can from a parade
of naive fools, have no real business posting here.

I hate to break this to you, Neal, but anyone in the world that has access
to usenet can post here, and you can't do a thing about it.

Try to think when was the last time Lady Pilot
posted anything related to sailing?

I asked a question about 3 weeks ago when I posted last.
Rememeber, anchoring in deep seas?

Lady Sailor
at least posts sailing content although from the
perspective of a camp follower which is pretty
much what she is - but at least she's consistent.

Lady Sailor is out sailing and checking out nice ports and having a
wonderful time. In contrast to you, angry and tied to your mooring.

Lady Pilot, on the other hand, comes and goes
and when she comes back she's answering weeks
old posts that nobody is interested in anymore.

I'm sorry, Neal, but I've been extremely busy lately. I've started a new
business, took training so that I can home school my youngest son, and then
have been home schooling. Not to mention my Grandmother getting very sick
and having to move her in with me for a week to take care of her.

You didn't chew on the guy that answered months old posts the other day.

Who needs that? Let her pine for male companion-
ship someplace else.

I'm not pining, I'm demanding attention. LOL!

I gave her the chance to
do some sailing with me so she could have a chance
to learn what sailing's all about
but she turned up her
nose and called me names.

When did I call you names? Oh, I remember, after you started calling me

Instead she goes off
chasing some Canadian drunkard who can't even
hold a job.

Hahahaa. He's been working very hard lately.

I'd say she's hopelessly stupid as well as
fat, ugly and whatever else (maybe chronic body
odor from the female region?)

I see your therapy is going well. hehee

it is that causes her
to be desperately horney and constantly looking for

Maybe I'm just a healthy attractive female...

Face it! Normal women just don't act like that.

I thought it was pretty much common knowledge, thanks to Oz, that I not your
average woman... :-p

Happy Holidays to all.

The Grinch who stole Christmas

Merry Christmas to all,