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Thom Stewart
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Default Remember Pearl Harbor!;


OZ replied to your story about Iwo Jama like he was talking about a
Hollywood Movie;

Quote OZ, "Damn, and he did it all in a monologue with flags waving in
the background."

I took exception to his belittling remark and reminded him of a few
facts that they have been trying to forget for a half a century.

They go on and on about knocking us "Yanks" our President, Our
government, our morals anything American. They want us to let them have
free shot at us but scream like hell when we remind them of a few fact
about themselves.

What is really sick is their silly replies.
Things like we sat on our hands until the Jap attack us. They don't want
to remember Pearl Harbor and they don't want us to either.
They can remember Their "Death March" but don't want to remember the
"Bataan Death March"

They really seem to think that it was our obligation to defend them,
when they couldn't or wouldn't do it for themselves

I've asked our critics to tell me what they done in WW2 for themselves
before we got in the War. They post about how they fought the Germans in
North Africa but they can't seem to understand that they let the German
get control of that whole area. They sure a hell don't remember the
Americans invading Casa Blanca and TOGETHER we drove the Hun back into

They talk about Stalingrad but they seem to forget that we agreed, at
Pottsdam, with Stalin to open a second front to ease the pressure on the
Soviet (Normandy)

They (Our Critics) seem to resent us remembering TRUE history. They want
to remember History as they want it to be.
They can't except the fact that they were Losers in WW2 until America
became involved. They hadn't shown any, (Zero) offensive action until
the YANK took over.
Now, after the fact, they try to say we didn't get in the War until near
the End.

Now when we show our PRIDE it seems to bother them, Screw them (The
misguided Critics)

we will always remember how they died for Liberty!!! We will alway
remember those American Grave all over the World that are there because
the World couldn't take care of itself;

Ole Thom