Thread: Hull Flexing
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Capt. Mooron
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Default Hull Flexing

Okay... I'll address you're recent attitude towards "public affection"....
Comments interspersed...

"Simple Simon" wrote in message
| No need to wonder about my objections to public displays
| of affection as I have stated my stand on numerous
| occasions. It is rude, self-centered, inconsiderate, stupid
| and hedonistic to engage in public displays of affection
| whether those who do it are gay or straight.

Why.... you spit, burp, fart and eat in public don't you?
| Public flirting, kissing, grouping and sex is not something
| right-thinking, mature people wish to do or have any desire
| to do. It's only maladjusted, people who need an audience to
| shock so they become the center of attention in order to
| enjoy what they should be enjoying in private. Love and
| displays of love and sex are demeaned by public prostitution
| of the physical displays of love. "Hey, look at me!" is the
| vulgar motivation. This is what motivates children to a large
| extent. Adults should have outgrown this need to be looked
| at when it comes to private acts of a sexual nature and, yes,
| flirting is sexual in nature, especially when it makes others
| uncomfortable and goes against religious teachings

It's only people who aren't getting any that get all frustrated about it.
It's natural, it's tender. it's non violent, it's non intrusive [ unless
you're watching with passion and jealousy]

Next thing is you'll be calling for having any couple seen holding hands
shot for public indecency... is this your idea of conservative ideals.
Displays of "love" and "affection" are rather common in everyday life. Are
you touting "Victorian" models as the correct method?

| When people, gay or straight, engage in public displays of
| affection they are being rude, inconsiderate, and uncaring.
| They step all over people's rights to not be exposed to sexuality
| in public. It is little different than masturbating in public.
| It's sick, it's stupid, it's wrong and it's totally unnecessary.

It's your choice to read, view or engage. No one is stepping on anyone's
rights. But you are trying to step on my rights and claim I shouldn't be
doing the same to you? You're argument makes no sense. You are in the throes
of senile dementia.

| Give it a rest already.

Get yourself a prescription of Viagra already and try to keep "UP"....

Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaaaa..... Neal you are a LIMP DICK!