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Simple Simon
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Default The true meausure of a sailor's newsgroup.

Men in a sailor's newsgroup should stick together.

This simple statement is a fact and even if some males here
disagree it only proves they are not men.

I don't know about you other MEN but some of the males
here certainly are not men. Mooron who makes a fool out of
himself over a fantasy woman, Bobsprit who makes a fool
out of himself over everything he writes about, Rick who
is a fool and a wimp, etc. etc. area all examples of the
sad state of manhood these days.

Sailors are not supposed to be wimps and pussies but all
to many males here are prime examples of pussies. They let
themselves be made fools of by women. Isn't it bad enough
that they have allowed bad influences such as Katysails who
is just an over-the-hill housewife, Haggie who is just a boat
******, Lady Barbara who is no lady, and a few other losers
who pop in and out to remain but now some of them are
acting like women themselves.

Isn't it about time all god MEN banded together and rid
this group of bad female influences? After all who really
needs the pathetic and fake flirting the likes of Lady Pilot
uses to disrupt this group of sailors. LP single handedly
manages to expose the wimps and girly men here in this
who gladly show their asses. Real men do not allow themselves
to be pawns in some femiNazi agenda but rather work to
expose those males who are not men by any stretch of the
imagination by pointing out how embarrassing their actions

Mooron is a disgrace. Navigator is not much better. Donal
is a Mama's boy. Bobsprit is just a plain boy. Rick is a little
faggot. Ganz is another Mama's boy and on it goes . . .

What we need here is more MEN. MEN do not allow girls
into the clubhouse. Sailors are supposed to be MEN. Sailors
certainly don't allow girls into the clubhouse.

What say ye Men? Let's rid the group of the scourge of
women and girly men. When the like of Katysails, LP, etc.
and the skirt chasers such as Mooron who prostitute
themselves under a skirt post let's just ignore them. Soon
they will just lose interest and go away and the group
will be the better for their absence.
