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Default Has anyone else noticed . . .

Well some say bin laden is alive beacuse he used to be alive and there
is no proof he's dead. Bit like the US view on WMD's really -if you
think about it.

Cheers MC

Simple Simon wrote:

Has anyone else besides me noticed how incoherent
the whining, complaining terrorist sympathizers like
Bobsprit, Donal and Navigator are lately? The never
were very persuasive and never had any ideas of
their own as far as alternatives to which the bitch
moan and groan about but in the past month or so
they don't seem to even be able to even complain
with any conviction.

When challenged they jump to another liberal
talking point which has been discredited badly in
the past. When faced with evidence that they
have already lost on this issue they change tacks
and go another lame liberal talking point which
has also been discredited and debunked. They
never have an original idea. It's like there is
a list somewhere on a liberal website that says,
"Here are a dozen talking points which we want
you to hammer on." On this list there are such
things as

1) Keep repeating President Bush is a liar. If you
say it enough times maybe we can get a few
more brain-dead people to believe it.

2) Keep saying President Bush is stupid. This is
something all liberals can identify with because
they are none too bright. No matter how many
times the President defeats us stupid people
like the majority of liberals will continue
to believe the President is stupid.

3) Keep calling the President a murderer. This will
get a few votes from Democrats who are incarcerated
for felonies but manage to vote anyway along with
the dead we have registered.

4) Keep asking "Where are the WMD's." This is something
we can continue to ask because no liberal is going to
believe there are WMDs even when they are found.

5) Keep delighting in using dead soldiers as political fodder.
Never show and respect for their families and friends.
This will seduce the very far left and get them to do some
more street demonstrations.

6) Keep saying there is no connection between bin Laden
and Iraq even when there was a terrorist training camp
called Salman Pak with a fuselage of a 707 used for
hijack training exercises.

7) Keep saying the US is going it alone in the war against
terrorism even though 20-30 nations have joined us in
the fight. Keep saying bin Laden is alive even if there
is no real proof that he is. Keep saying Saddam Hussein
is still alive even though there is no real proof that he

8) Keep saying that President Bush is taking away all
our liberties with the Patriot Act. Ignore the fact
that Congress passed it with even most liberal
Democrats voting for it.

9) Keep saying the economy is the worst in 20 years
and it Mr. Bush's fault even when the President
inherited the bad economy from his predecessor.
Keep talking down the economy even in the face
of statistics that show the economy has overcome
the Clinton recession and the effects of the events
of 9-11 because of the Bush tax cuts. Hammer on
a "jobless" recovery even when unemployment is
dropping. Never mind the fact that we just had
a record third quarter in the GDP. Never mind
people are making fantastic returns in the stock
market again. Never mind that productivity is way
up. Just keep lying and being negative. This will
convince many ignorant people that things are
really bad and will continue to be.

And on and on it goes - all a bunch of lies and negativism.
This is the stock and trade of liberals. They have no ideas,
no programs of their own to solve any problem. They wish
only to create problems and illusions of problems so they
can say, "Vote for us - we can fix all these ills," even when
the record shows they have never fixed any ills. They wish
to keep them around so they can tell people to vote for us
so we can fix them.

People have wised up. People realize liberalism is a dead
end and this is why people started voting out liberals in
1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2004 and will do so again in
2004. This is why conservatives control the House, the
Senate, the White House and recently the Governorship
of California, Mississippi, Kentucky, and Virginia.

The majority of the population cannot abide whining,
cry babies who have nothing positive to offer. You
liberals need to grow up and lose the negative anti-
American rhetoric.
