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The Carrolls
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Default It's only the liberals hating.

Whose God?
"Horvath" wrote in message
On Mon, 3 Nov 2003 21:34:12 -0500, "Simple Simon"
wrote this crap:

It's only the liberals who have this rabid hatred for
President George W. Bush and this hatred grows and
grows because the President continues to beat them
at every turn.

The liberals tried to talk down the economy for the
past three years so it would be an election issue even
though the President inherited an economy going into
recession from the previous administration. The
President quickly took steps to bolster the sagging
economy by implementing tax cuts which the liberals
fought tooth and nail.

So sad for these liberals because now that the economy
has come roaring back helped by the Bush tax cuts the
liberal's argument that tax cuts hurt the economy is
again proven to be false. The hatred grow because
liberals are once again proven fools.

President Bush, unlike his predecessor, decided something
must be done about terrorists after Clinton showed them
cowardice and unwillingness to protect this great country.
President Bush is continuing to pursue the war against
terrorism as outlined in his speech pertaining to this issue
right after the atrocities perpetrated against this county
on Sept 11, 2001. Liberals are again made to look like
fools and cowards. The hatred grows.

President Bush has turned out to be one of the most popular
Presidents in a century. His ratings are consistently higher
than those of his predecessor. Even in an election liberals
attempted to corrupt in the courts Bush prevailed and won
the day defeating the liberals best attempts at having a
valid election overturned in the courts. The hatred and
rage grows.

Liberals have nothing left to do but whine and complain,
complain and whine. They lost seats in the Senate, they
lost seats in the House, they lost the Presidency. They
are out of touch with reality. They see all their hopes
and dreams of regaining power slipping away and they
are desperate. They are filled with hatred and rage.

Liberals only wish the worst for the country and for
President Bush's policies and administration. They
grasp for every straw, they try to make a scandal
out of every little bump in the road. They ignore the
fact that their president was impeached. The attempt
to impugn a President who will never be impeached
because President Bush is doing such a fine job
and is a moral, honest and decent individual.

Liberals have even gone so far as to use the dead
bodies of our valiant fighting men as political fodder;
Liberals are giving aid and comfort to the enemy with
their criticism of the war against terrorism in Iraq.
The public isn't buying it. The public realizes it is
far better to fight the war agains terrorists in
foreign countries than in the streets of New York,
Los Angelos, or Washington D.C. The public hates
the loss of life but sees the necessity of it. The
public is also thankfull for the relatively small
number of war casualties. The public is proud
of our military - not ashamed and hateful of it
like the liberals. And liberals hate and rage grows
because nothing they do works becaus they are
on the wrong side of every major issue and the
public sees it.

President Bush shows up liberals for what they are -
dishonest, disgusting, anti-American and conniving
because the President stands as an example of just
the opposite.

The hatred grows. Let it grow because the more
liberals hate the more they self-destruct and self-
destruct they surely are right in front of everybody's


Good post! Obviously inspired by God.


I don't spend my money on food. I spend most of my money
on women, porn, booze, and recreation. The rest of it I just waste.