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Default COLREGS - The final word on pecking order in restricted visibility.

ubject: COLREGS - The final word on pecking order in restricted
From: "Simple Simon"
Date: 10/16/2003 14:42 Pacific Standard Time

You motorboat captains are all the same. You refuse
to believe you are nothing but glorified truck drivers.

Sailors, on the other hand, are much much more
competent mariners. There is a whole world you
are unfamiliar with because you drive boats while
sailors sail them.

How anybody who drives a boat from an enclosed
and air-conditioned wheel house where you can't
smell the air, hear the sounds outside, feel the temperature,
look at the horizon all around, see the sky, see the water,
etc. can call himself a mariner is an absurdity of a major


Another prime example of Neal's highly limited experience.
