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Default Bye bye Democrat Party.

DSK wrote:

... it appears you tried to skip ahead and missed a lot of the basics.

You're right! CA had me take placement exams then made me skip over
basic physics and chem. But tell me, where am I wrong? Why does the coal
burning plant near me need water cooling if it's so efficient? What are
the transmission losses getting power from (US 301 & Potomac River) into
D.C., including voltage transformations? How efficient is a battery
charger? A battery? A DC motor or an inverter plus an AC motor as the
case may be?

Reducing emissions of individual cars doesn't help if there are more and
more cars. Ie if you reduce emissions by 50% but have twice as many cars
you're right back where you started from - except that the 2x more
people driving those 2x cars are also farting, taking dumps, heating
their houses, et al.

But we're all still better off than if twice as many cars are putting out unreduced

Are we? In 1966 a 'vette was $3500, a Cobra or XKE $5000, and a Ferrari
a tad over $10K - all less than a years pay for a recent grad. Today? We
have the same air, etc. quality we could have had by reducing population
but an average 25 year old cannot have a Cobra or XKE, let alone a
Ferrari. He's been forced to give up high performance cars, and a
zillion other things, just so fools can have babies they cannot afford.

Basically, the idea that intelligent & responsible citizens can be complacent about
the environment is disgusting & destructive. I hope you don't have kids to apologize
to about your attitude.

Complacent? Hardly! I deem idiots who pop/father more than two kids
disgusting and destructive, and ignorant to boot - ignorant as in
"Du-uh, I just wanna keep the (pick one) safe for my 12 kids to enjoy,
ka hilk ka hilk ..."