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Bill[_12_] Bill[_12_] is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jan 2017
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Bill wrote:
Keyser Söze wrote:
On 1/27/21 12:35 PM, Bill wrote:
Keyser Söze wrote:
On 1/27/21 12:11 PM, Bill wrote:
Keyser Söze wrote: Oklahoma...

The Oklahoma Attorney General’s Office has been tasked with attempting
to return a $2 million stockpile of a malaria drug touted by former
President Donald Trump as a way to treat the coronavirus.

In April, Gov. Kevin Stitt, who ordered the hydroxychloroquine purchase,
defended it by saying that while it may not be a useful treatment for
the coronavirus, the drug had multiple other uses and “that money will
not have gone to waste in any respect.”

But nearly a year later the state is trying to offload the drug back to
its original supplier, California-based FFF Enterprises, Inc, a private
pharmaceutical wholesaler.

Alex Gerszewski, a spokesman for Oklahoma Attorney General Mike Hunter,
said this week that the AG’s office was working with the state health
department “to try to figure out a solution.”

Gerszewski said Hunter’s office had gotten involved at the request of
the Oklahoma State Department of Health.

Stitt was criticized last year for the $2 million purchase, a move
viewed by some as a partisan move to curry favor with conservatives who
were defending Trump amid criticism of his own support of the drug.

- - -

Bozo Binned: Herring, Bert Robbins, JackGoff,
Just-AN-Asshole, Tim, AMDX, and Gunboy Alex, aka the Gang of Dull,
Witless, Insult-Tossing Trumpsters. If you are on this list, I don't see
most of your posts and I don't read any of them.

You complain about that. Governor Newsom ordered a $billion of masks from
China, making a down payment of $500 million. 3 months later we still had
not received any masks and not sure if we ever got them or the money back.

I would say the difference is that Oklahoma was duped by Trump but since
Trump is an intellectual cipher, maybe the "duping" was not intentional.
I wonder if the California issue you raise has been resolved. Has it?
The masks were and are needed, unlike the Trump medication.

Speaking of the ex-potus you so admire, I hope his banishment from
twitter is permanent. As a national political figure, he has nothing to
add to civil discourse. I don't expect the wussie Republicans in the
Senate to vote to convict him, but I do have hope federal and state
courts will initiate serious criminal cases against Trump.

He ordered them from an electrical car maker who had an office in
California. They had never made masks. They did return $275 million as
they could not get Federal certification of the N95 masks. Which he agreed
to pay $3.75 each for. Buy a couple million and should be less than 50
cents. Before the pandemic I paid about that retail at the welding supply
for N95 masks. Wonder how much Newsom and his buddies profited? If they
didn’t, then he is even a worse businessman than I thought.

According to several news articles, California was due to get a refund
on the rest of the down payment, to wit:

"The $247 million is half of an up-front payment the state made for the
contract in April in an unusual move of making a payment before goods
were delivered. The state could’ve clawed back all of its up-front
payment under the original agreement, but an amendment signed Wednesday
gives the company another month to meet the certification. If the masks
aren’t certified by May 31, California can get the rest of the payment
back in early June."

The reason California and other states overpaid for the masks is that
they were in very short supply back then.

Only a frigg’n idiot would pay a half a billion dollars upfront to a
manufacturer for a item they had never made before. Especially at that
price! For that kind of,money, we could have built a manufacturing line
here in California and both saved money, reduced unemployment, and had a
profitable, taxpaying entity.

An addendum.
Same sort of **** when Governor Brown gave the new Bay Bridge deck
construction contract to some Chinese company who had never built a bridge.
Said it would save $300 million. How much unemployment could we have
saved building here. We had companies here in state who had build bridges
and overpasses. So, we got a bunch of bridge deck that sort of worked.
Just not built for anti corrosion and salt air.