Thread: Oooh nooo!
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Justan O. Justan O. is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2020
Posts: 492
Default Oooh nooo!

On 10/28/20 11:16 AM, Keyser Söze wrote:
On 10/28/20 11:11 AM, Justan O. wrote:
On 10/28/20 9:57 AM, Keyser Söze wrote:
On 10/28/20 9:41 AM, Justan O. wrote:
On 10/28/20 9:15 AM, wrote:
On Wed, 28 Oct 2020 07:45:10 -0400, Keyser Söze

By the time Trump finished speaking to thousands of supporters at
Omaha?s Eppley Airfield on Tuesday night and jetted away on Air
Force One, the temperature had plunged to nearly freezing.

But as long lines of MAGA-clad attendees queued up for buses to
take them to distant parking lots, it quickly became clear that
something was wrong.

The buses, the huge crowd soon learned, couldn?t navigate the
jammed airport roads. For hours, attendees ? including many elderly
Trump supporters ? stood in the cold, as police scrambled to help
those most at-risk get to warmth.

At least seven people were taken to hospitals, according to Omaha
Scanner, which monitors official radio traffic. Police and fire
authorities didn?t immediately return messages from The Washington
Post early Wednesday and declined to provide reporters on the scene
with precise numbers of how many needed treatment.

Excerpt from WashPost

What's your point? That it gets cold in Nebraska? We know that. It is
why they are starting to show up here.

On the other hand, you can enjoy a Biden rally from the comfort of your
sedan in a dunking donut parking lot. Replete with canned applause
and car

This from a dumbfoch who supports BunkerBitch Trump.

Bunkerbitch Trump? Whats that supposed to mean?

You are betraying your ignorance once again. What a surprise.

Can't explain the bull**** you spruik? What a surprise.