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John[_6_] John[_6_] is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Dec 2008
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Default make up your mind, will ya?

On Thu, 28 May 2020 21:59:28 -0400, wrote:

On Thu, 28 May 2020 15:23:39 -0400, John wrote:

On Thu, 28 May 2020 11:38:11 -0400,

On Thu, 28 May 2020 07:26:00 -0400, John wrote:

On Wed, 27 May 2020 22:10:04 -0400,

On Wed, 27 May 2020 18:08:15 -0400, Keyser Soze

On 5/27/20 5:30 PM, Mr. Luddite wrote:

First the experts said the covid-19 virus could be spread
simply by being on surfaces that are touched or handled.

Last week, they said, "no, they changed their mind and
it really can't be spread by being on surfaces.

Today, they changed their minds again and decided it
*can* be spread from surfaces.

Meanwhile, Doc Fauci had warned that a second wave in the
fall was almost certain,* until he decided it won't.

No wonder people are getting fed up.

If people are getting fed up, it is because they don't understand that
knowledge of the virus is growing and changing. Or perhaps Trump is
leaning hard on him. Or...

Maybe they should all shut the **** up until they get their ****
together and I include the president in that.
We have tests that don't work, theories that don't work and the latest
study from the Koreans say, masks that don't work.

Then we would still be doing absolutely nothing to mitigate the spread.

Not a good idea.

Your 'latest study from the Koreans' has already been shot to ****.

With no standard of what constitutes a "mask", how can any broad
statement be made?
This reminds me of all of those gadgets they used to sell that
improved your gas mileage. If you thought they worked, they worked.

Here, a standard:

I wonder what OSHA would say if you tried it, even dealing with
particulates 10 times the size of a corona virus.

I know "better than nothing". Isn't that what the army said about the
ear plugs they are getting their ass sued off over?

I'm a result of 'the nothing' and can barely hear. Your argument fails again.

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