Thread: SOTU
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justan justan is offline
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Default SOTU

"Mr. Luddite" Wrote in message:
On 1/31/2018 1:07 PM, Keyser Soze wrote:
On 1/31/18 12:40 PM, wrote:
On Wed, 31 Jan 2018 10:03:21 -0500, Keyser Soze

of Americans who own 80% of corporate shares need more money.

I heard MSBNC say that too but what they ignore is just because most
working class Americans do not hold individual stock shares, they are
still invested in the market through their IRA and 401k plans. That
statistic they like to throw around assumes mutual funds are not
My wife is a Trump hater too but she certainly likes the 10 grand she
made in her 401k last year.

What is the basis for your comment about "most" working Americans, and
how does that conflict with the claim that 80% of corporate shares are
owned by 10% of Americans?

Heh. You are certainly demonstrating why you are an English major.
Logic and thinking is not your forte.

Lying is the only thing that Fat Harry is even semi skilled at.
Try to find ANYTHING he has published.

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