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Mr. Luddite[_4_] Mr. Luddite[_4_] is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Aug 2017
Posts: 4,961
Default Now I am ****ed ...

On 1/21/2018 1:11 PM, wrote:
On 21 Jan 2018 16:32:18 GMT, Keyser Soze wrote:

On Sun, 21 Jan 2018 09:39:30 -0500, "Mr. Luddite"

And what could be more important than football? ?

It's ok if you'd rather read Moby Dick for the 18th time instead. Most
of us got it the first time around.

Another of your weird personality quirks. If you don't like something,
nobody should, huh?

Moby Dick? Jesus what a boring ****ing book. Melville could have
trimmed off about 400 pages and had a gripping novel.
I got it right away. Life on a whaling ship was miserable. We didn't
need to share that misery for almost 800 pages to read the story.
Beside that, if you are already bored at sea, the last thing I want to
read is a book about being bored at sea. I thought the GM 3&2 book was
more interesting. ;-) thought the book was about life aboard a whaling ship, but that
is only the back page story, as it were. I’m not surprised you actually
didn’t get it.

No it was the "back 400 pages", unless you were just speed reading
over that like you skim the notes you respond to here.
Like I said at 250-300 pages it would have been a gripping story. The
man needed an editor.

But, but Greg ... you are supposed to savor the prose and style heavily
influenced by Shakespeare and enjoy reciting the goofy poems out loud,
preferably in front of a mirror.

Other than that, it's just a weird, sorta religious story.