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Keyser Soze Keyser Soze is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Dec 2015
Posts: 10,424
Default Marriage equality

On 12/19/17 1:30 PM, Bill wrote:
On Tue, 19 Dec 2017 06:54:37 -0500, Keyser Soze

On 12/18/17 11:40 PM, wrote:
On Mon, 18 Dec 2017 21:58:58 -0500, Keyser Soze

On 12/18/17 9:02 PM,
On Mon, 18 Dec 2017 19:36:15 -0500, Alex wrote:


Strange that they are both transsexual and a couple. If they liked
women, why would they decide to become women?

Nothing surprises me anymore. We have entered the twilight zone.
It was Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D., N.Y.) who warned of
"defining deviancy down" 2 decades ago and now that seems to be the
affirmative policy of the DNC. It used to be that a black woman with a
latin surname was the perfect person for the job but now it also has
to be a transgendered, black, latino surname woman with a lesbian wife
and dubious immigration status.

Feeling threatened, eh?

Not al all, just amazed at how far you can define deviancy down.
I see no threat to how I live my life either way. We were in the
flower business for 5 years. I have spent time around every type of
gender and sexually confused person you could imagine. I just shake my
head and move on.

Weren't you one of the transplanted southern boys who last week was
giving cover to the regional practice of males in their 30s marrying
girls as young as 14, or, in the case of Roy Moore, trying to rape them?
Now that is deviance, harmful deviance.

"Rape"? That was never alleged. It is not clear that with the parents
permission even the 14 year old was illegal in Alabama at that time.

A 100years ago, lots of 14 year olds married. Was not even illegal for
multiple wives until about 1880.

When that little girl was 14, it wasn't 100 years ago, or even close.