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John H[_2_] John H[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Aug 2008
Posts: 8,637
Default USA at War With Itself

On Sat, 2 Dec 2017 08:35:17 -0500, Keyser Soze wrote:

On 12/2/17 12:19 AM, wrote:
On Fri, 1 Dec 2017 23:00:55 -0600, Boating All Out

In article ,

On Fri, 1 Dec 2017 16:05:34 -0600, Boating All Out

In article ,

On Fri, 1 Dec 2017 13:28:51 -0600, Boating All Out

This tax bill is going to pass without any Dem buy in.
Done in secret without any Dem input.
The U.S. Senate no is longer run by compromise.
It's interesting watching the government devolve.
It will only get worse from here.

The fact that the dems want to impeach Trump and refuse to work with
him at all is definitely not helping quell that divide. I certainly
agree we are about as close to a civil war as any time in the last 150
years tho. Putin sure is winning this one.

Pelosi and Schumer haven't talked of impeachment, and in fact
have quelled that kind of talk.
They know it's a non-starter.

That is pretty much a new opinion since they know in is not going to
be a winner, no matter how hard the big money like Steyer, big
entertainment (all of them) and big news (everyone but Fox), want to
push it.
They haven't even convinced a lot of people in their delegation to

Trump didn't want their input. He tweeted as much.
Besides, McConnel wants no part of compromise.
That predates Trump

I agree that it was a boon to Putin when Trump was elected.
That why he helped Trump.
Crooked authoritarian rulers love each other.

Putin didn't really care who won, he wanted to discredit the process
and democracy in general. He won either way. We are fractured either
I do think it is funny that you democrats ignore the "fake news" they
were planting on social media but you are upset about facts that were
revealed in the Email leaks. That is why you all deny the leaker might
have been Seth Rich because he would have just been a whistle blower.
We will never know because he was killed by an unknown assailant under
mysterious circumstances. After all, the Clintons were at risk. ****

You shouldn't drink and post.

Come on Harry, what part was wrong?

You have no knowledge of Putin's concerns. You've posted your same
speculation about Putin 20 times here with no backup.

And you've posted no speculation about Trump?