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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2007
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Default Take the idiot out~

On Fri, 24 Nov 2017 13:16:01 -0500, Wayne.B

On Fri, 24 Nov 2017 12:42:50 -0500, wrote:

On Fri, 24 Nov 2017 11:33:07 -0500, Wayne.B

On Fri, 24 Nov 2017 11:12:40 -0500,

On Fri, 24 Nov 2017 10:32:20 -0500, Keyser Soze

I appreciate that guys like you appreciate ignorant, incompetent,
racist, sexist, pedophiles for POTUS. I don't.

We lived through Bill Clinton and the murdering, raping Kennedys.


Not to mention LBJ who ramped up the Vietnam war under false pretenses
and started us down the road to a welfare state.

They have a hard time with LBJ. He gets presented as a liberal hero
but the tapes show that he was really pretty racist in private and his
war killed a disproportionate number of black kids.
It was actually FDR that started us down the road to a welfare state
but LBJ made that an expressway. FDR gets credited with creating
Social Security and LBJ brought us Medicare but they also doomed them
to failure by FDR starting the tradition of spending the surplus to
hide the cost of his war and LBJ rolling the whole thing into the
general fund to hide the cost of his war. Now they are simply unfunded
welfare programs.


At least in theory, Social Security was supposed to be an insurance
and retirement savings program. That's not welfare in my book but
obviously it has morphed over time.

There was no actual investment component so it was really a Ponzi. As
long as intake exceeded outflow, it was great, but so was Bernie
Madoff's scam.
In FDR's time, the demographics worked, In LBJs time, not so much.