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Keyser Soze Keyser Soze is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Dec 2015
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Default DC guys, Allyson Rae? (Ch 9 weather girl)

On 11/22/17 2:20 PM, wrote:
On Wed, 22 Nov 2017 13:43:22 -0500, Keyser Soze

On 11/22/17 12:36 PM,
On Wed, 22 Nov 2017 11:06:00 -0500, Keyser Soze

Hmmm. We like living in this area. Was it too...competitive...for you?

Too cold mostly. Then there was the traffic, congestion and crime.

My job was far more challenging here, in a good way. I was really
bored up there.

Well, as a Yankee, what passes for cold here doesn't bother me. And
since I avoid the traffic and we haven't been hit by crime since moving
away from Florida...those are non-issues.

I do like access to first-rate museums, doctors and hospitals if I need
them, a real spring and a real fall, good news outlets, clients that pay
well, and not very many rednecks.

The only thing I agree with is the doctors but I had a direct
connection to some of the best in the city through my ex.
Cold is water freezing.
I pretty much burned out on the Smithsonian since I was there hundreds
of times over 30+ years, It was right down the road from my high
school and on my way home from work if I wanted to go that way when I
worked there. That was our regular "field trip" in the lower/middle
schools before that and a short bus/street car ride away.
I was a member for the last 10 years I lived there.
My job did not allow me to commute on the bus so I was in the traffic
for 40,000-50,000 miles a year.
I was paid the same here as there with a lower cost of living.
The news is the same everywhere and I am sure if you went south about
20 miles you would find plenty of rednecks.
I actually prefer them to urban "citidiots" who move out to the
country to "get away from it all" and then want to bring it "all" with

There are many museums in the area, and a lot are not affiliated with
the Smithsonians, lots of concert venues, two symphony orchestras,
theaters, and we love going to Baltimore because of the many fine
restaurants and interesting neighborhoods and ethnic festivities.