Thread: Yo, Justan
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justan justan is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jun 2016
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Default Yo, Justan

"Mr. Luddite" Wrote in message:
On 9/21/2017 9:44 AM, justan wrote:
"Mr. Luddite" Wrote in message:

Just bought a "camper" for ****s and grins.

It's not a traveling hotel suite though. Little, 17 foot
"hybrid" ... the type that the ends fold out forming a queen bed on one
end and a full bed on the other.

Bought it from a friend who is up-sizing. He took meticulous care of it
(reminds me of you) and all it needed was a new battery. Canvas covers
for the ends are like new because he always covered them with a tarp
when in use.

Only weighs 2900 lbs dry, so the GMC Canyon handles it with no problem.
It is rated to tow up to 7,000 lbs.

Plan is for local trips once in a while, just as a diversion and
something to do. Probably spend some weekends or maybe a week or so
down at that campsite in Bourne that overlooks the Cape Cod Canal.

The Scenic Park is a nice place to hang out. There should be a lot
of westbound boat traffic this time of year enroute to winter in
the Souf.

You need to take the camper on a road trip before winter sets in.
We can provide parking and all the comforts of home that the
camper might not provide.

It would be nice to visit but my days of traveling down I-95 towing
*anything* are over. In fact, I don't even want to drive towing
nothing. :-)

Won't fly, won't drive. I guess you'll be looking for a
substantial boat.

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