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Mr. Luddite Mr. Luddite is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Aug 2013
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Default Busy day at the office ...

On 4/6/2017 5:05 PM, Poco Deplorevole wrote:
On Thu, 6 Apr 2017 16:27:12 -0400, Keyser Soze wrote:

On 4/6/17 4:18 PM, Mr. Luddite wrote:
On 4/6/2017 4:07 PM, Keyser Soze wrote:
On 4/6/17 3:57 PM, Mr. Luddite wrote:

Trump meeting with Xi Jinping of China to discuss North Korea among
other things.

Tillerson announces plan to form international coalition to remove
Assad from power in Syria

GOP exercises "nuclear option" to clear way for Gorsuch confirmation.

Another oh-hum day.

Wow. Well, one can hope Trump doesn't insult the Chinese leader.

As for Syria, it'll be interesting to see what Trump does with the
presence of Russian troops in Syria, the Russian planes in Syria, and
the US troops now in Syria.

Gorsuck? That was a foregone conclusion.

I thought the Dems might have had second thoughts about the nuclear
option but I guess based on their first hand experience of doing it
themselves they forged ahead with their attempt to filibuster.

I got a kick out of Lindsey Graham's comment about Syria. Asked what
he'd do he said he'd consider taking out the Syrian airfields to destroy
or ground the Syrian planes used to drop the chemicals. When asked
about Russian planes that are on the ground at the airfields he said,
"I'd tell Putin he better move them".

Yeah, the Lindsay Grahams of this world are always ready to be cavalier
with young Americans of military age.
Graham reminds me of a Dickens character...Uriah some, but not
all, ways.

Putting airfields out of commission would be a fairly safe venture.

Yup. No troops needed. Just two or three DLG's 600 miles off the coast
and a dozen or so Tomahawks.