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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2007
Posts: 36,387
Default Tarpon Fishing Fun

On Tue, 04 Apr 2017 12:00:49 -0400,

On Tue, 04 Apr 2017 01:08:20 -0400,

On Tue, 4 Apr 2017 04:39:50 -0000 (UTC), Bill

He never reached down to try to gill it or even grab it by the tail.
He just held it next to the boat for everyone to look at. One of his
buddies had a phone out taking pictures, then he cut the leader as
close to the fish as he could and the tarpon took off. It was pretty
cool watching him fight it tho. We had a number of spectacular jumps
and several runs. If the tarpon was smart enough to dive into the
mangroves he would have been long gone but it stayed right in the
middle of the river, running back and forth in as deep of water as it
could find. He had (what looked like) a 15 pound class spinning rod,
thinking he might get a sheep head or a trout, maybe a red.
I had seen him fishing on the way out with a dead shrimp on a bobber
and thinking he wasn't going to get anything but a catfish or two.

I was referring to the original video.

I never got that to play


I uploaded it to YouTube for you:

Thanks. He already had a bloody arm so this must not have been his
first swing at it. It is an interesting way to fish. Sort of a spin on
noodling catfish. One of our buddies was noodling grouper in the keys
when he grabbed a moray. It turned out better than it could have but
he has a finger that will never be the same.