Thread: Ping: Greg
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Poquito Loco Poquito Loco is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Mar 2014
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Default Ping: Greg

On Sat, 19 Nov 2016 07:11:24 -0600, Boating All Out wrote:

In article ,

On 11/18/2016 10:40 PM, RGrew176 wrote:

Congratulations on your Grandsons career choice.

Don't know if it will be a career, but he was brought up (like many of
us) that at some point in your life it is an honorable thing to do to
do something to serve your country. Old school philosophy that I am
pleased was passed on to my kids and now to their kids. Four years is
a very short period of time and the experience and maturity gained is
well worth it, especially for a 19 year old. Sure beats sitting around
on some high school or college campus participating in a "cry-in"
because your liberal teachers or professors encouraged you to do so
after their political candidate got whooped.

Some local election?

I believe he's referring to the national election for President. If you think he's making up a
story, you're very wrong.