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Keyser Söze Keyser Söze is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Dec 2014
Posts: 5,832
Default Really good android news reader/poster?

On 2/11/16 8:03 PM, John H. wrote:
On Thu, 11 Feb 2016 18:50:02 -0500 (EST), Keyser Soze wrote:

Wrote in message:
On Thu, 11 Feb 2016 14:18:34 -0500, Keyser Söze

On 2/11/16 2:07 PM,

He is an Apple guy AKA someone who does not what to know how their
devices work or have any real control over them.

I do find it ironic that in the famous ad, Apple was trying to make
fun of "conformists" when the whole product line is based on
conformity to the point that it has become a cult.

Absurdity built on ignorance. My first two smartphones were android OS
phones, and I ran both of them with advances from the ways that existed
back then to bust out of the OS. When I was interested, I took formal
programming language courses in Pascal and Modula-2. My current iPhone
is almost always running the latest "jailbreak."

I have no compelling interest in tinkering with my android tablet. I
mostly use it as a device for reading books and for playing scrabble and

I don't have a smart phone or a tablet but I do know a lot of people
who were disenchanted with the limitations of their Apple product and
changed over.
The kid who works for my wife was bragging about his IP-6 and she just
said "got it" when he started talking about all of his new features.

Just because I wasn't a "grunt" in the military doesn't mean I am
ignorant of technology. These days, I learn what I have to learn to
please myself. While you two boys were shoveling coal in the bowels of
some obsolete ship somewhere, I was writing the user manuals for
minicomputers being sold to the Peoples Republic of China to aid in
weather forecasting for agricultural programs. Well, at least that was
their ostensible purpose.

Uh huh.

What "mini computer" were you writing manuals for in 1965?
BTW warships have not used coal since Teddy Roosevelt's Great White
Fleet. I wasn't a snipe anyway. My job was above the main deck. So was
I really tried to learn as many jobs on the ship as I could and there
are a lot of things going on there. (Welding, machine shop, small
boats and the whole ordinance department).
That is where the CG has it all over the Navy. They want you to know
more than one job. Think of it is being a non-union shop.

Oh, sorry. I was the manual writer for the software, the
application program. Might have been a Burroughs or Control
Data. I accessed for testing from a terminal in bethesda.

Whoops. Caught again, eh?

What? Are you on drugs? I wrote the user manual for the software for the
weather program, and no, I'm not a weather expert. The job was to take
the procedures to run the software, how and where to enter variables,
and how to get the software to puke out answers. It took a month of
interviews and training for me to begin to write the instructions in
simple English that could easily be used in China by English speaking
techs and terminal operators who could then show Chinese speaking
operators how to participate. Surely with all your good job skills and
army training, you could have done something similar, eh?