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Bob in Idaho
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Default Statement on Spam and

Well, now we've taken a turn for the worse.

That Mr. Nader decided to run for political office is no more STUPID than
the decision of any other political candidate to do the same. Thus, if it
is not STUPID for Mr. Nader to run for office, it follows that it wouldn't
be STUPID to vote for him anymore than it would be STUPID to vote for ANY

I certainly hope the sky doesn't fall, the Anti-Christ doesn't rise, or you
don't find a boil on your arse. Heaven knows Mr. Nader wouldn't want to be
blamed for any of that, in addition to the preposterous load that you just
heaped upon him.

My ilk? Hmm, my ilk? Ok, my ilk and I are content that Mr. Nader is in no
way responsible for the War, the inevitable dead and wounded that naturally
follow such sad affairs, the reiterated aforementioned and an untenable
situation for which an Iraqi intifada is likely to occur, and for which we
will lose all hope of future international respect and backing.

I certainly hope you have learned a valuable lesson and will attempt to be a
bit more thoughtful in you future deliberations, be they political or


Bob C.
Idahoan for Nader

"rw" wrote in message
Bob in Idaho wrote:

Your "so-called" argument makes about as much sense as you telling me

that I
should plant only the vegetables that you prefer, in a garden that I am
planting for myself.

I not saying that Nader doesn't have a right to run for President, and
that you and your ilk don't have a right to vote for him. Of course you


I'm saying that it's STUPID!

If Nader hadn't run in 2000, 649 American servicemen (and counting)
wouldn't have died in Iraq, thousands more wouldn't have been seriously
wounded, and we wouldn't be stuck in a deadly, no-win quagmire, on the
brink of civil war, abandoned by nearly all of our allies.

BTW, just to be fair, we also wouldn't have found any weapons of mass
destruction. (I'd put a smiley here, but somehow it doesn't seem

Cut "to the chase" for my email address.