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Justan Olphart[_2_] Justan Olphart[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Aug 2015
Posts: 1,244
Default Amazing...

On 9/28/2015 12:34 PM, Keyser Söze wrote:
On 9/28/15 1:27 PM, wrote:
On Mon, 28 Sep 2015 07:56:09 -0400, Keyser Söze

My wife's iPhone was giving signs of crapping out, so I took it over to
the local Verizon store Saturday and, without the slightest hassle, the
"tech" there simply ordered a new one for her, which is supposed to
arrive today via FEDEX.

Hell, I didn't even have to drive up to Annapolis to the Apple store,
which is something I really don't mind doing on a weekday, but "Never on
a Saturday or Sunday..."

Of course, for what one pays for Verizon cell service, one should expect
decent customer support...

That is the way they work. My wife took her Note II in, full of water
and they swapped it out for the deductible on the policy. If it was
just dead, it would have been a free exchange.

The only issue might be things that were lost since the last backup
At that point it is how you deal with the cloud and whether you have a
local backup.

I do a backup to the computer and to the cloud on our iPhones once a
week, and the emails we want to keep are automatically backed up on
verizon's servers and, in my wife's case, on her employer's server. She
was just "issued" a very nice tablet which I think is the replacement
technology for the laptops the traveling staff take on the road.